Cleo’s Bath, River Pools

About Cleo’s Bath

The main river pool consist of a natural pool about 60 feet across and no more than six or so feet deep. Various other river pools surround the main pool area. For groups large and small Cleo’s bath is a great hike for the beginning adventurer and perfect mid-day picnic lunch destination.


Getting to the pools

To reach Cleo’s Bath hike the Pinecrest Lake Loop Trail counterclockwise to the east end. When you reach a small meadow just as the trail begins to climb you will see a sign pointing the way to Cleo’s Bath. Continue on this trail east for another 1.5 miles till you reach the swimming hole. There are also various other swimming holes on the way to Cleo’s Bath if you want to avoid the crowds. For those interested in the history of the Pinecrest area, along the way, you will encounter the remnants of an old 1850’s steam donkey used in the logging days with a historical plaque talking about the area.

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Best time to reach Cleo’s Bath River Pools

 The best time to visit Cleo’s Bath is early to late summer after the rush of the snow melt has subsided as the waters can be quite treacherous during the spring runoff. Please use caution if you plan to visit this beautiful natural swimming hole and as always pack out what you bring in so others can enjoy it as well.